Felix's school is haunted again, only this time it's not the benevolent spirit of school founder Otto Leonhard and the nuisance he caused, but the once hated and long-since dead Director Hulda Stingbeard. A coincidence causes the former shrunken and skeletonized school principle to rise again, leading to chaos...
Oskar Keymer
as Felix Vorndran
Lina Hüesker
as Ella Borsig
Otto Waalkes
as Otto Leonhard
Andrea Sawatzki
as Director Hulda Stechbarth
Axel Stein
as Peter Vorndran
Julia Hartmann
as Sandra Vorndran
Anja Kling
as Dr. Schmitt-Gössenwein
Maximilian Ehrenreich
as Chris
Johannes Zeiler
as Janitor Michalski
Yannick Pudlorz
as Fritz
Michael Ostrowski
as Teacher Coldegol
Florian Osswald
as Furniture packer 1