The sudden heritage, which is announced to two mercantiles, infuses their minds and begins to live richly, forgetting their previous lives.
Βασίλης Αυλωνίτης
as Theodosis Mentikas
Γιώργος Καμπανέλλης
as Nasos
Θάνος Τζενεράλης
as lawyer
Νίκος Ματθαίος
as Sparangis
Γιώργος Γαβριηλίδης
as Xrysanthos
Νίκος Φέρμας
as Mihos Dermas
Λαυρέντης Διανέλλος
as Ploutarhos
Sasa Dario
as Bebi
Μπεάτα Ασημακοπούλου
as Lucie
Σμαρούλα Γιούλη
as Mary
Κώστας Γκουσγκούνης
as Dancing man [uncredited]
Ζωζώ Σαπουντζάκη
as singer [uncredited]