The Queen of the Night enlists a handsome prince named Tamino to rescue her beautiful kidnapped daughter, Princess Pamina, in this screen adaptation of the beloved Mozart opera. Aided by the lovelorn bird hunter Papageno and a magical flute that holds the power to change the hearts of men, young Tamino embarks on a quest for true love, leading to the evil Sarastro's temple where Pamina is held captive.
Josef Köstlinger
as Tamino
Irma Urrila
as Pamina
Håkan Hagegård
as Papageno
Elisabeth Erikson
as Papagena
Britt-Marie Aruhn
as Första damen (First Lady)
Kirsten Vaupel
as Andra damen (Second Lady)
Birgitta Smiding
as Tredje damen (Third Lady)
Ulrik Cold
as Sarastro
Birgit Nordin
as Nattens Drottning (Queen of the Night)
Ragnar Ulfung
as Monostatos
Erik Sædén
as Talaren
Ulf Johansson
as Andra prästen (Second Priest)