A short documentary illustrating how art can influence public perception towards environmental issues. Green Patriot Posters is a highly acclaimed multimedia design campaign that challenges artists to deepen public understanding and ignite collective action in the fight against climate change. So far, it has reached five million people through print media, public space and digital culture. The film features interviews with key Green Patriot Posters contributors (Shepard Fairey, Michael Bierut, DJ Spooky, Mathilde Fallot) and its founders (The Canary Project, Dmitri Siegel).
Michael Bierut
as Himself
Shepard Fairey
as Himself
Mathilde Fallot
as Herself
Edward Morris
as Himself
Colin Mutchler
as Himself
Edward Park
as Himself
Kelvin Richardson
as Himself
Susannah Sayler
as Herself
Dmitri Siegel
as Himself
DJ Spooky
as Himself
Bob Stein
as Himself
Susannah Tantemsapya
as Herself