The ups and downs in the lives and careers of a group of ambitious young actresses and show girls from disparate backgrounds brought together in a theatrical hostel. Centres particularly on the conflict and growing friendship between Terry Randall, a rich girl confident in her talent and ability to make it to the top on the stage, and Jean Maitland, a world weary and cynical trouper who has taken the hard knocks of the ruthless and over-populated world of the Broadway apprentice.
Katharine Hepburn
as Terry Randall
Ginger Rogers
as Jean Maitland
Adolphe Menjou
as Anthony Powell
Gail Patrick
as Linda Shaw
Constance Collier
as Miss Luther
Andrea Leeds
as Kay Hamilton
Samuel S. Hinds
as Henry Sims
Lucille Ball
as Judith
Franklin Pangborn
as Harcourt
William Corson
as Bill
Pierre Watkin
as Carmichael
Grady Sutton
as Butch