Ricky Caldwell, the notorious 'Killer Santa Claus', awakens from a six-year coma after being kept alive on life-support by a slightly crazed doctor experimenting with ESP and other special abilities. Ricky targets a young, clairvoyant blind woman, named Laura, whom is traveling with her brother Chris, and his girlfriend Jerri to their grandmother's house for Christmas Eve, and Ricky decides to go after her, leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake.
Richard Beymer
as Dr. Newbury
Bill Moseley
as Ricky
Samantha Scully
as Laura
Eric DaRe
as Chris
Laura Harring
as Jerri
Elizabeth Hoffman
as Granny
Robert Culp
as Lt. Connely
Richard C. Adams
as Santa
Melissa Hellman
as Dr. Newbury's Assistant
Isabel Cooley
as Hospital Receptionist
Leonard Mann
as Laura's Psychiatrist
Carlos Palomino
as Truck Driver