A young, beautiful prostitute named Sadie Thompson arrives on the South Pacific island of Pago Pago looking for honest work and falls for Timothy O'Hara, an American sailor who is unfazed by her unsavory past. However, Mr. Davidson, a missionary who arrived on the island at the same time, aims to "save" Sadie from her sinful life and petitions to have her separated from her beau and deported back to San Francisco.
Gloria Swanson
as Sadie Thompson
Lionel Barrymore
as Alfred Davidson
Blanche Friderici
as Mrs. Alfred Davidson
Charles Lane
as Dr. Angus McPhail
Florence Midgley
as Mrs. Angus McPhail
James A. Marcus
as Joe Horn
Sophia Artega
as Ameena
Will Stanton
as Quartermaster Bates
Raoul Walsh
as Sergeant Timothy 'Tim' O'Hara
Charles Sullivan
as Marine (Uncredited)