The ongoing Vampire saga that started with Vampires: Brighter in Darkness, Vampires: Lucas Rising tells the tale of the immortals Lucas Delmore and Toby Brighter and their fight to defend their Love and Mankind.
Rhys Howells
as Lucas Delmore
Dan Briggs
as Toby Brighter
Abigail Law-Briggs
as Lilith
Tim Benge
as Paul Michaels
Turan Duncan
as Mikal
Rebecca Eastwood
as Charlotte Brighter
Nicholas Mitchell
as Armidal, Brother Thomas, Banshee
Kyle Chester
as Marcus (as Kyle Chester)
Richard Sherwood
as Semeck
Barry Locke
as Cullen (as Barry Barthendelus Locke)
Stuart Tomlinson
as The God Enki
Julie Pickering
as Hecate