Gordon Liu stars as a Chinese martial arts student struggling to relate to his new Japanese wife. When a series of martial misunderstandings spirals into an international incident, he's forced to take on seven of Japan's most powerful martial arts masters, each an expert in a different discipline, ranging from karate to samurai to ninjitsu.
as Ho To
Yuka Mizuno
as Kung Zi
Cheng Kang-Yeh
as Shou Kwan
Ching Miao
as Ho To's Father
Yasuaki Kurata
as Takeno
Naozo Kato
as Senior Master Kato
Riki Harada
as Japanese Kendo Master
Tetsu Sumi
as Japanese Karate Master
Manabu Shirai
as Japanese Nunchaku Master
as Japanese Spear Master
Yasutaka Nakazaki
as Japanese Sai Master
as Japanese Judo Master