In the wake of the tragic events at Waco, Texas where an armed conflict with armed militiamen broke out, agents of the federal government's Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) carry out a clandestine mission within another militia operation that is possibly involved in the sales of guns and the murder of an agent. Agent Robin O'Brien infiltrates the operation against her director's orders. When events start unraveling and an FBI agent threatens to take over the operation and start a military action, the ATF agents have to apply what they learned from Waco to save another blood bath.
Amy Brenneman
as Agent Robin O'Brien
Kathy Baker
as A.T.F. Director Maggie Hale
Vincent Angell
as Agent Reeve Aquilar
Keith David
as F.B.I. Director Richard Long
Mark Boone Junior
as Jake Neill
Michael O'Neill
as Asst. A.T.F. Director Ben Walker
Sean Bridgers
as Smitty
Jay O. Sanders
as Sam Sinclair
Sarah Trigger
as Carol
William Richert
as Patrick McKennan
John Philbin
as Randy
Raphael Sbarge
as Director Hale's Assistant