In 1866, prospector Tom Corbett returns to his hometown of Laramie, Texas, now under the brutal control of gangster Jason Scott and his violent son, Junior. With his brother Jeff, a struggling drunk cared for by their maid Mercedes, Tom seeks to overthrow the Scotts' tyrannical rule and restore peace to the town.
Franco Nero
as Tom Corbett
George Hilton
as Jeffrey Corbett
Giuseppe Addobbati
as Mr. Scott
Nino Castelnuovo
as Jason 'Junior' Scott
Linda Sini
as Brady
Tom Felleghy
as Murray
Rina Franchetti
as Mercedes
Franco Moruzzi
Tchang Yu
as Undertaker
Aysanoa Runachagua
as Sonko
Sal Borgese
as Short Scott Henchman
Romano Puppo
as Tall Scott Henchman