An evil force is awakened in downtown Athens transforming the unsuspecting citizens into raving zombies. The few survivors will have to fight hard for their lives. To the death.
Μελέτης Γεωργιάδης
as Meletis
Αργύρης Θανάσουλας
as Argiris
Πέπη Μοσχοβάκου
as Marina
Σταυρούλα Θωμοπούλου
as Dimitra
Μαίρη Τσώνη
as Jenny
Ανδρέας Κοντόπουλος
as Lieutenant Vakirtzis
Νίκος Σάμπαλης
as Andreas
Γιάννης Κατσάμπας
as Giannis