Richard Widmark leads an all star cast of marine leathernecks including Jack Palance, Robert Wagner, Karl Malden, Richard Boone and Jack Webb into battle on a heavily fortified island. This action-packed story follows the squad as they pick their way through enemy-infested jungles on a time sensitive mission to find the source of the enemy rockets. As the mission progresses, the squad and leader overcome many challenges as they are transformed into an effective and efficient fighting unit.
Richard Widmark
as Lt. Carl Anderson
Jack Palance
as Pigeon Lane
Reginald Gardiner
as Sgt. Randolph Johnson
Robert Wagner
as Coffman
Karl Malden
as C.E. "Doc" Jones
Richard Hylton
as Stuart Conroy
Richard Boone
as Lt. Col. Gilfillan
Skip Homeier
as Riley "Pretty Boy" Duncanon
Don Hicks
as Lt. Bill Butterfield
Jack Webb
as Correspondent Dickerman
Bert Freed
as Slattery
Neville Brand
as Sgt. Zelenko