Antwerp in the fifties. Robin de Hert grew up in a Catholic parochial environment; on the one hand there is his authoritarian father and the sadistic secretary of the Catholic boys technical school, on the other hand there are the 'Grieten' and the French teacher with whom Robin is getting a good band through a secret they share. If the secretary finds out about this secret, this has major implications for both the teacher and the students ...
Michaël Pas
as Robin De Hert
Babette van Veen
as Cathy Van Bloemendael
Hilde Heijnen
as Jeanine
Frank Aendenboom
as Mr. Verbiest
Myriam Mézières
as Mrs. Claessens
Ronny Coutteure
as Valère
Bart Slegers
as Felix Zakowski
Bernard Verheyden
as Teacher Gym
Jappe Claes
as Teacher
Katrien Devos
as Girl's Gym Teacher
Jaak Van Assche
as Lou de Hert
Chris Lomme
as Lea Weemaes