Madame Lu has created three "Death Machines," a trio of martial arts experts who have been injected with a special serum, turning them into mindless zombies, capable only of murder, at Lu's command. Tasked with eliminating her enemies, the Death Machines go on a blood-soaked rampage, killing anyone in their path. After they massacre an entire dojo, leaving only one survivor, the Death Machines and Madame Lu herself become the targets of his vengeance...
Ronald L. Marchini
as White Death Machine
Michael Chong
as Asian Death Machine
Joshua Johnson
as Black Death Machine
Mari Honjo
as Madame Lu
Ron Ackerman
as Lt. Clay Forrester
John Lowe
as Frank Thomas
Edward Blair
as Jerry
Bob Cori
as Mike
Philip DeAngelo
as Rossi
Mary Carole Frederickson
as Nurse
Chuck Katzakian
as Gioletti
Colleen Kinsley
as Adams' Daughter