The first installment of a two-part movie adaptation of the Vladimír Páral's novel about three friends who decide to start up an erotic enterprise. All plot complications ensue from running their 'amateur' pleasure parlor.
Simona Chytrová
as Klára Jágrová
Martina Adamcová
as Ája Machová
Kateřina Kornová
as Eva Jostová
Oldřich Vízner
as Patrik Škoda
Michaela Kuklová
as Štěpánka Vranská
Bronislav Poloczek
as Ludvík Škoda
Miroslav Moravec
as Dietrich Beck
Milan Bahul
as Daniel Dalík
Jiří Pomeje
as Tom Rodr
Josef Bradna
as Karát
Kateřina Hubálková
as Lenka
Karel Brožek
as Pastor