This sequel to the 1983 miniseries, "Chiefs," continues the saga of the Lee family with Will Lee, an ambitious Georgia lawyer running for the U.S. Senate at the same time he is forced by a local judge to defend a young man in a murder trial. On top of this, he becomes the target of an assassin hired by a white-supremacist organization.
Mel Harris
as Kate Rule
Corbin Bernsen
as Will Lee
Katherine Helmond
as Emma Carr
Raymond Burr
as Judge Boggs
Rod Taylor
as Gen. Willoughby
John Glover
as Harold Perkerson / Jason Ross
Claude Akins
as Sheriff Cox
Reginald VelJohnson
as Det. Mickey Henderson
James Wilder
as Jerry Lomax
Herb Edelman
as Manny Pearl
Henry Jones
as Sen. Ben Carr
Cristi Conaway
as Charlene Joiner