Set in the People's Republic of China during the 1990s, the film centers on a 13-year-old substitute teacher, Wei Minzhi, in the Chinese countryside. Called in to substitute for a village teacher for one month, Wei is told not to lose any students.
Wei Minzhi
as Wei Minzhi
Zhang Huike
as Zhang Huike
Tian Zhenda
as Village Chief
Gao Enman
as Teacher Gao
Sun Zhimei
as Sun Zhimei
Feng Yuying
as TV Receptionist
Li Fanfan
as TV Host
Zhang Yichang
as Mr. Zhang
Zhanqing Xu
as Brick Factory Owner
Liu Hanzhi
as Zhang Huike's Mother
Ma Guolin
as Bus Station Man
Wu Wanlu
as TV Station Manager