British teenager Leo Colston spends a summer in the countryside, where he develops a crush on the beautiful young aristocrat Marian. Eager to impress her, Leo becomes the "go-between" for Marian, delivering secret romantic letters to Ted Burgess, a handsome neighboring farmer.
Julie Christie
as Lady Marian Trimingham
Alan Bates
as Ted Burgess
Edward Fox
as Hugh Trimingham
Michael Redgrave
as The Older Leo Colston
Dominic Guard
as The Young Leo Colston
Margaret Leighton
as Mrs Maudsley
Michael Gough
as Mr Maudsley
Richard Gibson
as Marcus Maudsley
Simon Hume-Kendall
as Denys
Roger Lloyd Pack
as Charles
Amaryllis Garnett
as Kate
Keith Buckley
as Stubbs