Spectacular film by successful director Dhimitër Anagnosti. Three people, Sergeant Rahmiu (Ndrek Luca), Islam (Reshat Arbana), and Bepini (Bujar Kapexhiu) hijack a military ship to emigrate to Italy. Along the way they encounter opposition in the sailor Skender Guri (Rikard Ljarja), who wants to turn the ship back to Albania. 4 people representing different layers of the postwar Albanian society merge and collide offshore, unfolding the political conflicts of that era.
Rikard Ljarja
as Skënderi
Ndrek Luca
as Ramiu
Reshat Arbana
as Selami
Bujar Kapexhiu
as Pepini
Injac Saraçi
Eglantina Kume
Avzi Hoxha
Fitim Makashi