Phantom is an action thriller that unfolds across various countries around the world. The plot revolves around protagonist Daniyal, whose journey to seek justice takes him from India to Europe, America and the volatile Middle East. However, he finds out that in a mission like this, there is always a price to pay, in this case, a very personal price.
Saif Ali Khan
as Captain Daniyal Khan
Katrina Kaif
as Nawaz Mistry
Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub
as Samit Mishra
Rajesh Tailang
as RAW Agent Alok
Sabyasachi Chakraborty
as RAW Chief Roy
Denzil Smith
as ISI Chief Haider
Shahnawaz Pradhan
as Haaris Saeed
Mir Sarwar
as Sajid Mir
J. Brandon Hill
as David Headly
Chittaranjan Giri
as RAW Agent Kishore
Chittaranjan Tripathy
as Prisoner
Sohaila Kapur
as Amina Bi