Prepare for a heavy dose of animated mayhem as Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation brings home 30 of the most twisted cartoons imaginable. From the classic deer-squashing hilarity of Bambi Meets Godzilla to the outrageously violent antics of the ever adorable Happy Tree Friends, this collection offers some of the most gleefully offensive cartoons ever committed to celluloid.
Aubrey Ankrum
as Flipper/Fliqper/Pop - "Hide and Seek"/"Chip Off the Ol' Block"
Dana Belben
as Cub (voice) - "Chip Off the Ol' Block"
Liz Stuart
as Sniffles (voice) - "Crazy Ant-ics"
Misha Klein
as Ant 1 (voice) - "Crazy Ant-ics"
Jessica Teach
as Ant 2 (voice) - "Crazy Ant-ics"
Jennifer Hansen
as Ant 3 (voice) - "Crazy Ant-ics"
Sarah Castelblanco
as Ant 4 (voice) - "Crazy Ant-ics"
Diana Calderon
as Unknown (voice) - "Eat"
Silvia Ballarin
as Unknown (voice) - "Eat"
Jon Ehlers
as Unknown (voice) - "Eat"
Maurice Cooper
as Unknown (voice) - "Eat"
Davy Force
as Horned Gramma (voice) - "Horned Gramma"