Adaptation of the highly popular children's novel by Branko Copic, who in this book resembles his school and college days in Bihac, Bosnia, in the years before WWII.
Draško Trninić
as Brankić
Sedin Kahriman
as Baja
Igor Bjelan
as Dule Dabić
Esvedin Husić
as Krsto Buva
Milan Lazić
as Branko Mandić
Milenko Lazić
as Ranko Mandić
Biljana Preradović
as Zora Tanković
Sabina Tabić
as Zora Kutić
Srđan Erić
as Hamid
Emir Arslanagić
as Bobo Gico
Davor Janjić
as Smrdonja
Ljubiša Samardžić
as Jovo 'Skandal'