Young Henning and his friends are struggling to stay alive in 19th century Stockholm, where he has ended up in search of employment. In the harsh city, he and his friends dream of the good life while struggling for their survival.
Eddie Axberg
as Henning Nilsson
Britt-Louise Tillbom
as Lotten Blom
Kjell-Hugo Grandin
as Ture "Tummen" Lindgren
Gunilla Larsson
as Matilda
Åke Wästersjö
as Skräcken
Märta Dorff
as Tvätt-Johanna
Berit Gustafsson
as Tvätt-Malin
Peter Lindgren
as Storsäcken
Fylgia Zadig
as Hustrun
Mona Seilitz
as Annika
Gertrud Widerberg
as Augusta
Madeleine Tjärneberg
as Lilltösen