One-off comedy drama featuring characters from award-winning BBC sketch series 'The Fast Show'. Ralph Mayhew (Charlie Higson) lives alone in a faded stately home. His only friend is Ted (Paul Whitehouse), the elderly Irish estate worker. But their way of life is under threat: Ralph must marry before his 35th birthday or lose everything. Just when it all seems hopeless, along comes Wendy (Kathy Burke). As Ralph's affection for Wendy grows, his dependence on Ted wanes. Is this the end of a beautiful friendship ? Is Wendy all that she seems ? Will Ralph go through with the marriage ? And will he save the Hall ?
Paul Whitehouse
as Ted / Rowley Birkin / Kevin Brown
Charlie Higson
as Ralph Mayhew / Aunt Cecilia / Ralph's Father
Kathy Burke
as Mrs. Ted
Simon Day
as Tall Tom / Cliff Carter / Friend of Dorothy
Arabella Weir
as Mrs. Jenkins / Ralph's Mother / Henrietta Gladstone
Gina Bellman
as Henrietta Spain
Miranda Richardson
as Henrietta Blough-Pendleton
Richard Griffiths
as Landowner at Party
Louise Brill
as Lulu
Eryl Maynard
as Miss Paxman
Richard Wilson
as Landowner at Party
Colin McFarlane
as Interior Designer