The honest and meticulous cashier, Savvas, works in a business and is often pressured by his wife’s siblings to embezzle money from his job and lend it to them. When his manager, leaving on a trip, entrusts him with a million drachmas without a receipt, Savvas succumbs to the pressure and gives some of the money to his brother-in-law. In the end, however, an unexpected development awaits Savvas, since his manager is killed in an airplane crash and he has to decide what to do with the money.
Μίμης Φωτόπουλος
as Σάββας
Μπεάτα Ασημακοπούλου
as Άννα
Μαρίκα Κρεββατά
as Ματίνα (Πεθερά)
Βασίλης Αυλωνίτης
as Μπάμπης
Γιάννης Γκιωνάκης
as Κοκός
Ελένη Ανουσάκη
as Νέλλη
Γιώργος Κάππης
as Αριστείδης Φυσέκης
Σταύρος Παράβας
as Στράτος
Κατερίνα Γιουλάκη
as Λουλού
Μπέτυ Μοσχονά
as Κυρία Λουκίδου
Περικλής Χριστοφορίδης
as Καρυπίδης
Γιώργος Βελέντζας
as Βαγγέλης