On the square of a village on a beautiful greek island there are two competing tavernas. One belongs to Aspasia and the other to Anargyros, who is a former Sergeant Major of the Greek Army. Their constant conflict doesn’t affect their children, who love and meet each other in secret. The local elections creates a new battlefield for the two taverna-owners, as they both run for office and promise everything to everyone.
Γεωργία Βασιλειάδου
as Aspasia Zorbala
Βασίλης Αυλωνίτης
as Anargyros Prokopis
Αλέκα Στρατηγού
as Mairi
Κούλα Αγαγιώτου
as Koula Prokopi
Νίκος Φέρμας
as Aspasia's Brother
Αθηνά Τζιμούλη
as Maroula
Νίκος Κούρκουλος
as Dimitris Prokopis
Άση Μιχαηλίδου
Σαπφώ Νοταρά
Στέλιος Καζαντζίδης
as singer
as singer
Άννα Χρυσάφη
as singer