The film story depicts Emile Buisson, following the death of his wife and child, escaping from a psychiatric institution in 1947 and returning to Paris. Buisson, who three years later would become France's public enemy number one, begins a murderous rampage through the French capital.
Alain Delon
as Roger Borniche
Jean-Louis Trintignant
as Émile Buisson
Claudine Auger
as Catherine
Renato Salvatori
as Mario Poncini
André Pousse
as Jean-Baptiste Buisson
Marco Perrin
as Vieuchene
Henri Guybet
as Hidoine
Maurice Barrier
as Rene Bollec
Denis Manuel
as Lucien Darros
Maurice Biraud
as Owner of the Saint-Appoline hotel
Mario David
as Raymond Pelletier
Paul Crauchet
as Paul Robier