Devdas, the son of a zamindar, and Parvati, his neighbour's daughter, are childhood sweethearts. However, class and caste differences prevent their marriage. Devdas is sent off to Calcutta, while Paro is married off to an aged rich widower. In Calcutta, as remorse drives him to alcohol, Devdas meets Chandramukhi, a tawaif.
K.L. Saigal
as Devdas
Jamuna Barua
as Parbati
as Chandramukhi
A.H. Shore
as Chunilal
Pahadi Sanyal
as A friend
Krishna Chandra Dey
as Bairagi
Mr. Raju
as Mohan
Biswanath Bhaduri
as Narayan
Yusuf Attia
as Rai Saheb
as Dharmadas
Kidar Nath Sharma
as Jagannath
Vikram Kapoor
as Cart driver