Jody Balaban, an aspiring filmmaker, is fresh to L.A. with New York film school accolades and the dream of making her movie. Unable to get a job where she can use the skills she so finely honed, Jody must edit adult entertainment to make ends meet. The uncompromising desire to make her movie, leads Jody to secretly film in the porn studio facilities at night - until she is caught in the act.
Leelee Sobieski
as Jody Balaban
Matthew Davis
as Jeff Drake
Denise Richards
as Bliss / Laura
Jamie Kennedy
as Richard 'Dick' Harder
Tim Bagley
as Alan Balaban
DonnaMarie Recco
as Kathleen
Kristen Johnston
as Irene Fox
Mircea Monroe
as Sindi
P.J. Byrne
as Gary
Caroline Aaron
as Debra Balaban
Christa Campbell
as Kato
Mr. Marcus
as Jake B. Bigg