When a seemingly abandoned alien spacecraft is discovered orbiting Neptune, a top secret expedition is sent to investigate. In the derelict hulk they discover two surviving alien life forms telepathically linked to one other. 13 years later a savvy, ex-DEA agent and martial arts expert finds herself renditioned to a high security establishment on a remote island where they are conducting experiments on the incarcerated aliens.
Lance Henriksen
as Col. Stephen Cencula
Amy Hathaway
as Lisa Morgan
John Savage
as Manning
Brian Krause
as Plummer
Dave Vescio
as Dr. Bainbridge
Anthony Vitale
as Burch
Art Evans
as General Tabor
James MacPherson
as Peter Donovan
Andy Gates
as Dr. Templeton
Tamzin Brown
as Lab Technician
Cortney Palm
as Comatose woman
Michael Teh
as SPC Keanu Reeves