Santi, a young high-school student with a serious physical reaction to sunlight, is forced by his health to move with his single mother to a shadowy, isolated village in the mountains of Spain where the inhabitants begin to reveal themselves as strangely xenophobic. When terrible, violent events begin to occur, Santi becomes first a pariah at school and then strongly suspected by the police of hideous murders. Santi himself, however, wonders if he is not the next victim.
Junio Valverde
as Santi
Blanca Suárez
as Ángela
Jimmy Barnatán
as Leo
Mar Sodupe
as Julia
Francesc Orella
as Dimas
Roberto Enríquez
as Antonio
Josep Maria Domènech
as Teófilo
Paul Berrondo
as Óscar
Ariadna Cabrol
as Raquel
Laia Alemany
as Guardia civil
Juli Mira
as Dr. Fuentes
Anna Ycobalzeta
as Gloria