Among normal humans live the "Others" possessing various supernatural powers. They are divided up into the forces of light and the forces of the dark, who signed a truce several centuries ago to end a devastating battle. Ever since, the forces of light govern the day while the night belongs to their dark opponents. In modern day Moscow the dark Others actually roam the night as vampires while a "Night Watch" of light forces, among them Anton, the movie's protagonist, try to control them and limit their outrage
Константин Хабенский
as Anton Gorodetsky
Владимир Меньшов
as Geser
Галина Тюнина
as Olga
Мария Порошина
as Svetlana
Жанна Фриске
as Alice Donnikova
Виктор Вержбицкий
as Zavulon
Римма Маркова
as Daria
Мария Миронова
as Egor's Mother
Дмитрий Мартынов
as Egor
Валерий Золотухин
as Kostya’s Father
Анна Дубровская
as Larisa
Анна Слю
as Tiger