A young peasant boy who is bullied by local noblemen seeks to learn drunken boxing from the head of a local martial arts school. When the boy beats up his previous tormentors, the nobles patriarch challenges the boys teacher, the drunken master, who defeats the lot of them. Embarrased, the nobles retain two hired snake style killers. They kill everyone except the peasant boy.
as Liang
Hau Chiu-Sing
as Teacher Ho
Tong Tin-Hei
as Master Yan
Charlie Chan Yiu-Lam
as Hsia Sa
Wilson Tong
as Snake Style Assassin
Pomson Shi
as Koo Ting Sang
Cheng Kang-Yeh
as Yan #2
Wan Fat
as Yan #1
Ho Kei-Cheong
San Sin
Leung Hung
Nam Wai