Fourteen-year-old Stefan Kolbe, along with his mother and sister, moves from an idyllic small town to the developing area of Berlin-Marzahn, where his father works as a construction worker. Stefan must find his way in a completely new environment and surrounded by strange people. Stefan gets to know two girls, who attempt to seduce him, and gets himself into trouble with the landlord, who kisses up to societal authority figures. He becomes friends with the anxious Hubert, defends him against the constant humiliation of the older student Windjacke, and encourages him to stand up for himself. It ends tragically in a bitter fight between Stefan and Windjacke.
Axel Bunke
as Stefan
Mathias Müller
as Hubert
Sven Martinek
as Windjacke
Britt Baumann
as Rita
Kerstin Reiseck
as Anja
Ursula Werner
as Stefans Mutter
Christian Grashof
as Stefans Vater
Monika Lennartz
as Frau Meinelt
Dietrich Körner
as Bremer
Ruth Kommerell
as Stefans Großmutter
Fritz Marquardt
as Angler
Heidemarie Wenzel
as Huberts Mutter