A master jewel thief in 21st century Los Angeles targets the illegal emerald smuggling operations of a highly-connected crime syndicate. During what he believes to be a routine heist, cat burglar Harry Maxwell discovers that his target, notorious criminal Sanchez Boon is also the target of a police raid. In attempting to evade both the law and Boon's well-armed men, Harry meets Pandora Grimes, one of dozens of young women Boon kidnapped to work in his factory. When Boon sets a group of social deviants free and hijacks a space transport ship and its crew, only Harry and Pandora's cunning can save the hundreds of innocent people aboard.
C. Thomas Howell
as Sanchez Boon
Scott McNeil
as Harry Maxwell
Heather Hanson
as Pandora Grimes
Kiara Hunter
as Zee 4R
Richard Toth
as Wallace
Stephen Fisher
as Morton
Sean Fuller
as Sweeney
Paul Jarrett
as Willy Boy Pruitt
Gregory Linington
as Brock
Julius Krajewski
as Samson
Darren Dalton
as Dexter
Michael Rogers
as Haverty