Benjamin is at war: with life, with adults, with himself. From his earliest childhood onwards, the 13-year old has been shunted from one care home to another. When his mother has to go to prison, he is sent to his father, whom he has never known. The man turns out to be a dead loss, a warehouseman who's given up on life, a man in his mid-40s who still lives with his Moroccan parents in a high-rise block in the banlieue. Benjamin's turbulence and violence soon prove too much for his new family.
Didier Michon
as Benjamin
Slimane Dazi
as Karim Zeroubi
Farida Amrouche
as Zohra Zeroubi
Emilia Derou-Bernal
as L’assistante Sociale
Lounès Tazairt
as Abdelkader Zeroubi
Tony Harrisson
as Claude
Pascal Elso
as Nounours
Mohamed Aroussi
as Heikel Zeroubi
Alain Azerot
as M. Teddy
Emilia Derou-Bernal
as L'assistante sociale
Adrien Saint-Joré
as M. Lopez
Atika Taoualit
as Trini