Marvin, a young aspiring writer from New York, moves to California to write a novel. He ends up rooming with a chaotic, bohemian musician named Jay. Marvin finds himself inexorably drawn into the vibrant youth culture of San Francisco's Mission District as both Jay and himself watch their worlds disintegrate. They discover that each has a lot to learn from the other. Mission is a coming-of-age story casting a spotlight on a place and time, moments before artistic aspiring types yielded the Mission to the dotcom entrepreneurs.
Chris Coburn
as Marvin Raab
Joshua Leonard
as Jay
Bellamy Young
as Sandy
Sandrine Holt
as Ima
Adam Arkin
as Vissarion Belinsky (voice)
Evan Arnold
as Victor
Shane Kramer
as Nathan Raab
Rick LeCompte
as Dr. LeCompte (voice)
Jerry Hicks
as 500 Club Bartender
Janine Pibal
as Candy
Lydia Perez
as Review Receptionist
Mari Colabelli
as Jenny