Paranormal follows best-selling, self-made novelist Greg Evans struggling through the worst case of writer's block in his award-winning career. In a desperate search for inspiration, Greg quickly finds himself immersed in a world he is not prepared to face. Turning to a group of Paranormal investigators, Greg and the ghost hunting team search for proof and answers, yet are unaware they are about to have an experience of a lifetime! None will leave the way they came. Paranormal will peel back the supernatural curtain to reveal how the TRUTH will EXPOSE the darkness!
John Rutland
as Greg Evans
Maureen MacDonald
as Karen
Nick Errato
as Chris
Daniel Gray
as Doug
Addy Miller
as Megan Evans
Patrick Downey
as Pastor Cobb
Regina McKenzie
as Brooke Evans
Elizabeth Lodge Stepp
as Caitlin
Andrew Tilley
as Dave
Andrew Tilley
as Demon
Cheryl McConnell
as Hospital Administrator