In a racially mixed American town, a five-year-old black girl falls unnoticed into a hidden, forgotten well on her way to school. Having nothing better to go on, the police follow up a report that the child was seen with a white stranger, and rumors run wild. Before hapless, innocent Claude Packard is even found, popular hysteria has him tried and convicted. But is he guilty?
Gwendolyn Laster
as Carolyn Crawford
Richard Rober
as Ben Kellogg
Maidie Norman
as Martha Crawford
George "Spike" Hamilton
as Grandpa Peabody
Ernest Anderson
as Ralph Crawford
Dick Simmons
as Mickey McClure
Lane Chandler
as Deputy Stan
Pat Mitchell
as Peter
Margaret Wells
as Miss Peterson
Wheaton Chambers
as Mr. Woody
Michael Ross
as Deputy Frank
Russell Trent
as Deputy Chet