Theo, not the most popular boy at his school, dreams of escaping the dreary everyday life, experiencing adventure and accomplishing great heroic deeds. His dream seems to be fulfilled when, one day, he finds a very old and magical book in the library and fascinates him with a short hand. He forges the plan to forge a ring with his best friend Bonav and the rebellious Laura, who can make him invisible. The charm succeeds, but the three friends conjure up all sorts of dangers of magical, but also secular nature. Only the mysterious red wizard Arkandias can now help you out of trouble.
Christian Clavier
as Agenor Arkandias
Isabelle Nanty
as Bertha Boucher
as Marion Boucher
as Julie Boucher
Ryan Brodie
as Théo
Timothée Coetsier
as Bonav
Pauline Brisy
as Laura
Renaud Rutten
as Monier père