The movie is about dictatorships in Greece – first, the Metaxas regime (1936-1940), and then the Colonels’ Junta (1967-74). In Part One, the Metaxas regime is depicted as a circus, where Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) is a clown trying to conceal a young colleague’s subversive action. In Part Two, we see Thanasis suffer because of his honesty and kindness, in a country where the system’s irrationality is clearly evident.
Θανάσης Βέγγος
as Thanasis
Αντώνης Παπαδόπουλος
as clown
Ηλίας Λογοθέτης
as circus boss
Αΐνα Μάουερ
as Manouli
Τάκης Χάλας
as 4th August representative
Γιώργος Τζιφός
as 21st April representative
Μιχάλης Γιαννάτος
Βαγγέλης Τραϊφόρος
Κώστας Μεντής
Μιχάλης Δεσύλλας
Απόστολος Σουγκλάκος