The story of El Nani, a juvenile delinquent from the years of the Transition, whose disappearance in a police station after an interrogation has not yet been clarified, putting the accent on the denunciation of police brutality and speculating on the outcome of the story. A story that mixes political denunciation and social chronicle of an era.
Frédéric Deban
as Santiago Corella 'El Nani'
José Pedro Carrión
as Gálvez
Eulalia Ramón
as Lola
Chema de Miguel
as Teo
Fermí Reixach
as Richard
Albert Vidal
as Manuel Soto
Damián Velasco
as Luis Tejada
Antonio Dechent
Yolanda Farr
Pepe Soriano
Miguel Ángel Salomón
as Molero
Ricardo Lucía