After 16-year-old Alice Palmer drowns at a local dam, her family experiences a series of strange, inexplicable events centered in and around their home. Unsettled, the Palmers seek the help of a psychic and parapsychologist, who discovers that Alice led a secret, double life. At Lake Mungo, Alice's secret past emerges.
Rosie Traynor
as June Palmer
David Pledger
as Russell Palmer
Martin Sharpe
as Mathew Palmer
Talia Zucker
as Alice Palmer
Tania Lentini
as Georgie Ritter
Cameron Strachan
as Leith Ritter
Judith Roberts
as Iris Long
Robin Cuming
as Garret Long
Marcus Costello
as Jason Whittle
Chloe Armstrong
as Kim Whittle
Carole Patullo
as Sargent Drouin
John Dunn
as Funeral Director