An epic, untold story that brings to life the inspiring saga of the World Cup and the three determined men who created it. Driven by their vision and passion, three men, overcame their doubts and fought obstacles and scandals to make the World Cup a reality. Spanning the tumultuous 20th Century, this timeless saga celebrates the event that became the most popular sporting event in the world.
Sam Neill
as Joao Havelange
GĂ©rard Depardieu
as Jules Rimet
Tim Roth
as Sepp Blatter
Thomas Kretschmann
as Horst Dassler
Jemima West
as Annette Rimet
Karina Lombard
as Linda
Fisher Stevens
as Carl Hirschmann
Benedict Freitag
as Vize
Dawn Bradfield
as Francesca Guillermod
Nicholas Gleaves
as Henri Delaunay
Anthony Higgins
as Lord Kinnaird
Antonio de la Torre
as Enrique Buero