A telling story of an unemployed Vietnam vet in Butte, Montana, whose wife leaves him after seven years when she feels there is no longer communication between them and - more painfully and pointedly - because she is unable to have a child owing to his sterility from exposure to Agent Orange. Told in a gentle style, richly emotional, Bell Diamond was made with non-professionals drawn from the community of Butte.
Scott Andersen
as Scott
Dan Cornell
as Danny
Marshall Gaddis
as Jeff Dolan
Alan Godard
as Radio announcer
Kristi Jean Hager
as Laura
Ron Hanekan
as Ron
Anne Kolesar
as Social counsellor
Pat O'Connor
as The Boss
Hal Waldrup
as Mick
Terrilyn Williams
as Hailey
Sarah Wyss
as Cathy Dolan