Boston is being terrorized by a series of seemingly random murders of women. Based on the true story, the film follows the investigators path through several leads before introducing the Strangler as a character. It is seen almost exclusively from the point of view of the investigators who have very few clues to build a case upon.
Tony Curtis
as Albert DeSalvo
Henry Fonda
as John S. Bottomly
George Kennedy
as Det. Phil DiNatale
Mike Kellin
as Julian Soshnick
Hurd Hatfield
as Terence Huntley
Murray Hamilton
as Det. Frank McAfee
Jeff Corey
as John Asgeirsson
Sally Kellerman
as Dianne Cluny
William Marshall
as Atty. Gen. Edward W. Brooke
George Voskovec
as Peter Hurkos
Leora Dana
as Mary Bottomly
Carolyn Conwell
as Irmgard DeSalvo