This film follows the further adventures of the lone samurai Hawk, as he continues his battle to defeat the evil Pharaoh, Saint Offender and the Black Knight. Guided by his Psychic, Hawk ultimate defeats his adversaries and brings order to the universe.
Scott Shaw
as Hawk
Joe Estevez
as Saint O'ffender
Allison Chase
as Stella Speed
Don Stroud
as Conga Man
Karen Black
as Tarot
Frank Stallone Jr.
as Black Knight
Selina Jayne
as Spirit Guide
William Smith
as Pharoah
Rhonda Shear
as Officer Daryl Skates
Chanel Akiko Hirai
as Teri Ahki
Jill Kelly
as Deserette / Congo Girl
Zona Jaguar
as Onibaba / Wheelzone Warrior