Pete Riley is a 17-year-old who lands a part-time job at a multiplex in his neighbourhood. He and his friends are excited when it's announced that the theatre will play host to the premier of a major motion picture, with a number of Hollywood celebrities in attendance. However, when the big night comes, Pete has to contend with disappearing staff, malfunctioning equipment, and a broken popcorn machine.
Taylor Handley
as Pete Riley
Corinne Bohrer
as Julie Riley
Caitlin Wachs
as Karen Riley
Jacob Smith
as Brian Riley
Rich Hutchman
as Shawn MacGibbon
John Novak
as George
Colin Fox
as Nedermayer
Mickey Rooney
as Movie Mason
Ricky Mabe
as Ricky
Julia Chantrey
as Terri
Joanne Boland
as Hillary
J.J. Stocker
as Mark