There are only a handful of children living in Bullarby. This film follows their story through the fall and winter, picking up at the moment "The Children of Noisy Village" finishes.
Linda Bergström
as Lisa
Henrik Larsson
as Bosse
Ellen Demérus
as Britta
Anna Sahlin
as Anna
Harald Lönnbro
as Olle
Tove Edfeldt
as Kerstin
Crispin Dickson Wendenius
as Lasse
Sören Petersson
as Norrgårds-Erik
Ann-Sofie Knape
as Norrgårds-Greta
Ingwar Svensson
as Mellangårds-Anders
Elisabeth Nordkvist
as Mellangårds-Maja
Bill Jonsson
as Sörgårds-Nisse